
2024-01-09 14:10:27

Saturday  ['sætədɪ; -de] (缩:Sat.)
We often go out to cinema on Saturday.  我们常在星期六外出看电影。
sausage  ['sɒsɪdʒ]
n. [C,U]香肠;腊肠.

say (said, said)  [seɪ]
She said nothing to me about it.她没有跟我说过这件事。
say 着重指所说的内容,如果其后提及说话的对象,应用介词to。例如:What did she say to you?她对你说什么了?
talk 指“讲话,谈论”,用作不及物动词,通常强调谈话的动作,可与介词to, with和
about连用。例如:She is talking with Lucy in English.她正在和露西用英语交谈。
speak 指“说话,发言”,着重开口说话的动作,不强调所说的内容,其宾语通常是表示某种语言名称的词。例如: Can you speak Chinese? 你能说中文吗?
tell 指“告诉”,是直接给对方讲或以间接的方式转述某事,后面通常接双宾语,在少数
情况下可用简单宾语。例如:Did you tell her the news?=Did you tell the news to her?你把这个消息告诉她了吗?
短语:1. say sth. / sb. 表达 
      2. go without saying 显而易见
      3. I dare say  的确,当然
      4. say to oneself 自言自语  

saying   ['seɪɪŋ]
n.[C ]谚语,格言,警句
We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.

scared  [skeəd]
I was too scared to move.

Like humans, animals need sleep too. A big problem for animals in the wild is keeping their enemies away while they sleep. Animals take care of this problem in different ways.
Anolis lizards live in many areas including tropical rainforests. They often sleep on leaves at the end of long branches. A leaf might seem like a strange bed  but it works like an alarm. If a hungry snake wiggles a branch, the lizard wakes up and leaps to safety.
Chimpanzees take their sleep very seriously. Each day, a chimpanzee builds itself a new, comfortable bed to sleep in. Scientists believe chimpanzees carefully choose a tree that is strong, where they build a nest using branches and leaves.
Parrotfish live among coral reefs in oceans. Every night, parrotfish usually sleep close to the rock in sheltered places. Some parrotfish go one step further by quickly making a slime layer that covers their whole body. This covering acts like a sleeping bag that provides a barrier against danger.
Bottle-nosed dolphins need to sleep, but they have to be on the ocean’s surface to breathe. They also need to watch over their young. What do they do? While half of the dolphin’s brain sleeps, the other half stays awake. After a while, the sleeping half wakes up while the other half snoozes.
Sooty terns have the most amazing sleep. They nest on islands. When they are not nesting, they live for many years in the sky and on the sea’s surface. When and where can they sleep? Scientists believe they are able to sleep while they are flying, staying out of the reach of enemies.
1. What is the shared concern when wild animals sleep?
A. Quietness. B. Time length. C. Comfort. D. Safety.
2. Which animals need the most preparation before sleep?
A. Anolis lizards. B. Chimpanzees. C. Parrotfish. D. Sooty terns.
3. What do we know about the sleeping habit of bottle-nosed dolphins?
A. They sleep on the job.
B. They don’t sleep at all.
C. They sleep deep in the ocean.
D. They sleep the least of all animals.



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